
Photo by Stuart Miles

In my last two articles on Optimizing for Local Search ( ), I discussed finding and using your keywords to increase your visibility to the search engines for local searches. In my next two posts, I will give you some ideas for optimizing your website a bit further.

  1. Edit your page titles to include your location and primary service (e.g., Web design Pasadena, Website Design LA, WordPress, programming – CityCenter Co.). According to several sources, the page title is the single most important on-page SEO element (behind overall content).
  2. Create separate optimized pages for each major service/product lines. Each new page can be optimized for different keywords or phrases, making your site more easily found. Be sure to include your location in the keywords.
  3. If you have multiple locations, consider adding webpages for each location (and/or geographical area served). According to recent research, geographic location is often a part of web searches. People looking for a doctor, a new couch or your product or service, often add a city so they can narrow the search to their area (Shiropractor, Burbank. Location pages allow you to capture these searches.
  4. Make sure all pages you want to rank in organic results have sufficient copy. Current research recommends 150-300 words with a keyword density (number of uses of keyword per hundred words) of 2-5 percent.

A website is an important tool in today’s marketplace. Having a well optimized site makes it possible for your business to be found. Optimization is not a one-time operation. Whenever a new page is added to the site make sure and optimize as described above.

If you’d like some help, CityCenter is ready, willing and very able to do so. Contact us today to discuss your site and how we can help you improve it.