Yelp Help

Yelp HelpReview sites, such as Yelp, can wield a strong influence on your business – good and bad. Whether you agree with what the reviewers say isn’t the point; you need to do your best to reach out to the complainers and thank the fans.

This article gives four simple things to do to maintain healthy reviews on Yelp (or any similar site) so your customers are happy (and you, too). Respond – React – Encourage – Relax, it’s that simple.

Read the full article here:


You Can Do This

You can make videosYou may not realize how easy (and inexpensive) it is to make a video about your business. Yes, you can certainly hire a professional videographer and let them handle the whole thing.

But with a little ingenuity and the help of some online services (11 different ones are listed in this article) you can be up and running in no time. You can take a bunch of photos with a smartphone and then use one of these websites to move them around, fade from one to another, add your message and add a soundtrack. Or maybe you like the whiteboard “doodle” type of animation – you can get that, too.

Read the full article here:


QuickBits from CityCenter are summaries of articles having to do with online marketing and technology we think you might find useful.